Tuesday 25 February 2014


Jimi's new album 'Last King of Pictland' is proving  a big hit with fans, old and new, around the world.
Copies are being shipped to music lovers as far afield as Brazil and Venezuela, Germany, Australia, Canada the USA and, of course, Scotland on almost a daily basis.

Two promotional music videos on You Tube have had over 10,000 hits in just two weeks. These can be viewed/ listened to here -   http://lastkingofpictland.com/

NEW ALBUM CAN BE PURCHASES HERE, via paypal  and by clicking 'the shop' link above for £10.00 GBP or equivalent value in overseas currency. Price includes post and packaging to anywhere in the world.

The album is now also available at all on-line music stores and tracks can be downloaded/streamed.  Visit your favourite store and look for Jimi McRae 'Last King of Pictland'. Remember, the stunning original artwork can only be yours in all its entirety by buying direct from this site (visit shop page) or Edinburgh music stores HOGS HEAD and CODA MUSIC. (web-site and online purchasing service available at latter)

Some of  the acclaimed inside cd sleeve artwork can be viewed by watching the short promo video in the post below. (titled 'The Picts are coming' Wednesday January 29th)

For more details on the album, music, videos and other purchasing details please click here   - http://lastkingofpictland.com/


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