Thursday 21 October 2021

Wha Daur Meddle?


Jimi's latest music video is causing quite a stir in the town it was filmed in - Hawick in the Scottish Borders.


Local DJ and TD9 Radio presenter Graham Ford has invited Jimi onto his show for an interview.


Jimi met Graham's fellow TD9 presenter Simon Watson while filming scenes in Hawick recently. Both have since contacted Jimi to say how much they enjoyed the track and video.


"I watched and listened to it after Simon gave me the heids up" said Graham. "I really, really liked it and would love Jimi to be a guest on my show. It would be great to have a chat and play the track. Hopefully we can schedule an interview soon."


Jimi was delighted to hear from Graham and TD9 Radio.

"It's always great to get positive feedback" said Jimi. "The video is quite funny in places but I always try to be respectful. I like Hawick and the people living there. Graham and Simon at TD9 radio seem to have picked up on this."


Jimi chose Hawick as the setting for his take on the ancient Border Ballad - 'Wha Daur Meddle', in which the swagger and bravado of a notorious, unrepentant 16th Century outlaw Border Reiver is updated to the 21st Century.


"The original ballad is about one individual, little or 'wee' Jock Elliot" added Jimi. "I wanted to spread it out to include more of the old 'Reiving' surnames from both sides of the border. The nicknames of many of these characters, passed down to us through numerous contemporary written sources, are sometimes colourful and often droll.


"There's a gallows humour at play which really brings these individuals to life. As someone who grew up in the Borders and knows the banter well, it's very funny. It makes them seem like real people."


Jimi's diary is bursting with work and musical committments for the remainder of 2021 but he hopes to fix a date with Graham at TD9 Radio soon. 

"Graham said he is happy to do interviews via the phone but it would be good to be in the studio in person" added Jimi.


"I grew up in Galashiels and there was always a bit of rivalry between Gala and Hawick, a healthy good natured rivalry perhaps. Nowadays I find Hawick quite fascinating.


"As a youngster I never appreciated just how old Hawick actually was. Gala was a relatively modern town born out of the industrial revolution, yet Hawick was standing during the days of the Border Reivers and beyond. It's history stretches way, way back; to a time before England and Scotland existed. A time out of mind."


Jimi, writing partner Neil Warden and Gala based producer David Little of Soundstation recording studios will be busy over the winter months completing Jimi's latest music project which was inspired by the Borders region where Jimi grew up.


"We have 15 tracks in total to finish. I've promised the boys no more videos until the album (or albums!!) complete. After that I will probably be out and about filming again. Great fun!"


For more updates on Jimi's new project please keep following





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