Tuesday 30 May 2023

On the bonnie, bonnie banks of the River Volga...

Jimi has published more pics from his recent visit to Russia.

One of the highlights of a busy week of concerts, festivals and musical performances in the Samara region was a cruise down the River Volga.

All events were well attended and Jimi was deeply honoured to be one of several international performers and acts invited to perform to help commemorate the 78th anniversary of the great Allied Victory in Europe over the Nazis 

 His contribution of Scottish bagpipe renditions of famous Russian folk songs and music from WW2 (known in Russia as 'The Great Patriotic war') was warmly received by local audiences and can be watched and listened to here: https://youtu.be/bi3muMBIHIY

Jimi has published a fascinating pictorial account of the Volga River cruise on his Facebook 'artist' page and it can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=pfbid02sRFzYCxSCDTWLnu6V9U1Z96BFHf3fQPeHtW7uDj7wtVXVvbfZM7r5ofk1V4JEKhwl&id=100078059205924


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