Friday, 21 March 2014

Nationwide distribution secured for Jimi's new album

A deal has been struck to distribute Jimi's new album 'wholesale' across the UK.. 
This means 'Last King of Pictland' will be available to buy in your local music store plus many other retailers across the land.
Scottish music distribution company Highlander Music and wholesale supply giants Booksource
have teamed up to handle UK distribution..
This follows excellent reviews for the new album and  also strong sales from this web-site and on-line music
Jane Blackley from Highlander Music said she was delighted to add 'Last King of Pictland' to their sales catalogue.
"Jimi's last album 'Global Gathering' has sold well and his music is popular with many of our clients" she said.
"The artwork for 'Last King of Pictland' is excellent, very eye-catching in fact. All in  a great looking product with an excellent and very original soundtrack".
'Last King of Pictland' is now available to buy at any music retailer in the UK. Just ask for 'Last King of Pictland' by Jimi McRae, available through Highlander Music and Book Source, catalogue number JM003.
All of Jimi's tracks, old and new, are available to download or stream online. Preview new stuff here by visiting the site 'shop' and clicking on the link..  Older releases can be checked out in 'Videos'..
Some interesting reviews of new album posted below..

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