Sunday, 2 October 2022

Over 7,500 streams of Jimi's new music on Spotify in September!


Jimi's new mini album/EP 'Hills Where I Began' has been streamed/listened to over 7500 times on Spotify during September just passed.

Spotify notified Jimi to say he'd been hitting the high notes with 'an increase of 336% of listeners tuning in last month'

Spotify is a digital music, podcast, and video service that gives access to millions of songs and other content from creators all over the world. A link to Jimi's latest release on Spotify can be found here:

Elsewhere, 'Hills Where I Began' continues to receive excellent reviews (see this site's 'review' section) and encouraging sales via Bandcamp, Itunes, and other online music sites including this website.

Jimi said he was delighted with the figures. "It's great to know people are listening to the new tracks, sometimes several times over" he added.

"When I involve myself in a new music project it has to be, first and foremost, something which interests me, otherwise why bother? We had a lot of fun putting the tracks together and it's great to know that a lot of people - certainly by my humble standards - are enjoying listening to it. Very satisfying".

'Hills Where I Began' is the first of three releases planned by Jimi and song writing partner Neil Warden in which less emphasis is placed on bagpipes in exchange for, in the words of one reviewer, "more story and more swagger." 

"Swashbuckling updates of quite intense Border ballads" the Celtic Ways reviewer added. "Jimi also draws on his own experiences of growing up in the Scottish Borders".

For anyone interested Jimi's Bandcamp page can be accessed here:




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