Monday, 11 December 2023

New digital release for Russia

Jimi has released a digital album for his growing Russian audience.

Entitled "Alive in Russia", it features some new tracks and a specially chosen selection of music from his extensive back catalogue.

New tracks include a rocking version of the Russian classic 'Song of the Plains' (Poliushko Polie) - see youtube link below.

Jimi has not had time to upload the new album onto any 'western' music sites yet but promises it will be available to download via his 'Bandcamp' page sometime early in the New Year.

Jimi is already including several classic Russian as well as Scottish songs in his live set.

'Alive in Russia' can be found here:

 and here: 

Jimi's version of 'Song of the Plains' (Poliushko Polie) can be also be listened to here:    

A live, unedited and uncut video of Jimi performing Russian songs on his Scottish bagpipes to an appreciative Russian audience can be viewed here:   

 Slainte Mhor!               


  1. Yo'ho HEave HO! I'll be getting Paul Robeson out soon! Hope you'll do some physical releases, only thing I've got streaming is my nose and I'm hoping the steroids and anti-biotics kick in soon!

  2. Thanks John. Hope you're feeling better soon. All the best for '24.
