Friday 1 July 2022

On Ladhope Brig


Big shout out to everyone in my home town of Galashiels.
It's the week of the Braw lads (and Lassies!) Gathering, the first in three years because of the pandemic.
Events involving the whole community have been taking place all week. These culminate in the 'Gala Day' on Saturday (Juy 2nd) when an elected Braw Lad and Lass mount trusty steeds and lead a cavalcade of riders and horses around the streets, dales and hillsides of this proud, Scottish Borders town.
The Braw Lads Gathering has been held annually since 1930 and is a celebration of the town's history and traditions going way back to medieval times.
My late father Kenny McRae was a braw lad in the 1950's. He was elected to carry the Burgh flag 'worthily' and to return it 'unsullied and untarnished' when his ceremonial duties were fulfilled. 
His 2022 successors Braw Lad James Turnbull and Braw Lass Abbie Hood will be doing the same.
The song shared here, 'On Ladhope Brig' is a poem written by my Dad lamenting the demise of the UK textile industry, once the life blood and main source of employment in Gala, and many other towns besides. It ends on a positive note though, for, as he often told us growing up, 'the future is bright and full of possibilities'. Music is by myself.

'On Ladhope Brig' features on one of two new albums by myself scheduled for release this year. Meantime here's hoping the 2022 Braw Lads Gathering is one of the most successful yet. Safe oot and safe in. Hip hip!

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